Book Reviews 2018


Hello Worlders ~

Guys! I just finish book number seven of the year 2018! I am kicking butt on this year’s reading challenge of reading 18 books. I’m actually two books away from beating last year’s number of books read! But I’m guessing nobody cares about those stats so let’s move into the review of The Duff (2010) which was eventually made into a movie in 2015 staring Mae Whitman (The Perks of Being a Wallflower,  One Fine Day and Parenthood) and Robbie Amell (The Tomorrow PeopleThe BabysitterSuperhero Fight Club).

This novel follows Bianca Piper whose home life feels like its about to implode with her mom whose been spending more and more time out of town and her father in denial that there is problems in his marriage. One night when Bianca gorgeous friends drag her to a former bar that has been converted into a teen club (Do these places actually exist?) which Bianca hates going to. On that night Bianca runs into the one person she can’t stand, Wesley Rush, who goes on to tell her that he wants to hook-up with one of Bianca friends and he’s talking to her because she’s the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) which pisses Bianca off. But on impulse decides to kiss him, which he thinks is completely normal and okay. But what Bianca learns is that when she kisses Wesley her mind goes blank and she completely forgets every bad thing going on in her life. And soon Bianca and Wesley enter into a no strings attached relationship.

The first thing I noticed about Bianca was that she felt like such a relatable character. And not because she may have been a little bit on the plus size, although by the description of Bianca she sounded average but I think that just goes along with the main message of the novel. But she was relatable in many other ways. She dealt with her problem but internalizing which is something that I definitely do but its also something that I think a lot of people do. Often we have secrets at home that we don’t want others to know because we don’t want them to judge the others involve  or know just how much crap is happening in our lives. I think that part of Bianca’s character showed a lot about human nature.

The other think I loved about Bianca is the way that Keplinger wrote her as a narrator. Many times Bianca would break the fourth wall, in a purposeful way by making jokes about the things happening in her life. It often would cause me to literally laugh out loud.

Something I loved about this novel was how the romantic storyline played out. It was not insta love in the slightest. The novel its self took place from to mid to late January through prom season which is about a four to 6 months period and that’s the time it took them to fall in love. Although Bianca and Wesley were to very different types of people they made sense with one another. They had character chemistry (is that a thing?), they’re cute moments made me smile and and gave me butterflies and I loved it!

The other thing that stood out to me is this novel was told from Bianca’s point of view. But Keplinger did a great job showing subtly showing that Wesley was falling in love with Bianca. Which worked even better because the whole novel felt like Bianca telling the story directly to the reader over coffee. I know that my friends and I over analyze everything when it comes to if boys like us and if my friend has been telling me stories about a guy like Wesley I would have been like “HE LIKES YOU!” Because it was obvious from the outside and I just loved that!


What I loved to most though was the perfect balance that Keplinger found between insta love and that obinioux phase of I love him, I love him not that is often in romance books. Although Bianca didn’t believe right away that her feelings for Welsey could be real. Instead she spent a couple of chapters in deniel instead like 50 some odd pages like I’ve seen in the past.

There is no denining that this book featured some fat and slut shaming in this novel. I had seen countless videos before reading the book about how offensive the novel was and how it wasn’t politicially correct. And I will be honest i picked up on some fat shaming and slut shaming but I didn’t notice it as much as I thought I would after having seen those videos. And I think Keplinger included these thoughts because of the main theme of novel about how everyone is somebody DUFF and people choices about how they sleep with or how often they sleep with someone shouldn’t be anyone else’s business.

At the end of the novel I was ready for it to end. And not in a bad way. All of the questions had been answer and they weren’t any lingering questions. It also didn’t drag on forever which I really appreciated because often when novels drag on it feels one of two ways, 1 the author adds too much information and you feel like you know have questions or they just drag on the final events of the novel forever. I guess what I’m trying to say is they wrapped this novel up perfectly!

The book was really good. I wouldn’t recommend it to just anyone. If you are self concious about weight or have been in the past it might feel triggering because Bianca’s feeling in the novel are often expressed through out the novel. At the end of the day I rated the book a 4.7 out of 5 stars.


Have you read The Duff? What did you think? Let me know in the comments down below!

Book Reviews 2018

BOOK REVIEW: Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle Book #1)

Hello Worlders~

We finished up the month of March and I will be honest and say many aspects of my life were great in March, it was a fantastic month! But when it came to reading it was horrible. Some of you may have noticed a serious lack of book reviews on the blog this month, especially compared to January and February. I started two books this month and ultimately DNFed (Didn’t not finish) both of them. And then finally started a book that I would ultimately finish but to add insult to injury I didn’t even like the book. It was finish-able in my mind but I just didn’t like it. But before we get too far into the whys let me tell you a little bit about the book Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins, published April 2014.

Rebel Belle follows the “perfect” Southern Belle, Harper Jean Price, and yes her full name is important as it is mentioned in almost every other chapter. She is the student body president, on like 15 committees, preparing for cotillion, super smart and of course has a gorgeous and perfect boyfriend. The one hard part of her life is the death of her sister, which happened before the novel began. On the night of homecoming after Harper realizes that she forgot her favorite shade of lipgloss she borrows her best friend and goes to the bathroom to properly reapply it – since it wasn’t her shade. When all of the sudden her history teacher and the school’s favorite janitor come into the bathroom and start to fight one another. And as the janitor dies he passes on a super hero powers of sorts onto Harper by kissing her! After some research Harper learns that her new super powers make her a a paladin which basically means that she has all these powers in order to protect an oracle. And who is this oracle none other then her arch rival, David!

The first thing I notice was the Harper’s character was very stereotypical of what a southern belle should be. Since I’m from New England I don’t know how realistic this picture of southern belle is but it just felt like a stereotype. It also felt like Rachel Hawkins wanted to base Harper on an Elle Woods (Legally Blonde –  2001) type character by making her seem flighty and superficial but she was actually extremely smart. During the bathroom fighting scene her teacher points out that Harper had recently wrote a paper on the history of shoes for her advance placement history class. Like that has Elle Woods written all over it. But here’s the thing, I feel like Harper’s intelligence could have stood on its own instead of insulting by making that she wrote a paper on something superficial for such a high level class. If Hawkins’ wanted to make her feel like a Elle Woods’ a like I wish there had been more reference to that part of her character rather then an one and done reference.


Like with many novels there was a love triangle in this novel. And don’t get me wrong I love a good love triangle, in fact it might just be my favorite troupe. But with this novel I didn’t care. I felt like Harper just didn’t make sense with either of the love interests. Every once in a while Hawkins would right a scene where Harper would fell the sparks with one of the guy but I didn’t feel the sparks. They felt forced. There is a part of me that wonders if the reason that I didn’t feel the feels between Harper and either of her male suitors is because her relationship with both of them changed as fast as one could snap their fingers. I’m not sure if Rachel Hawkins was attempting to set up a love triangle that would follow through the series but I just didn’t feel it.

I’m going to be honest I didn’t feel much emotion from this book at all. As I mentioned in the summary Harper’s older sister died sometime before the story began. And in the beginning of the novel Harper mentioned her sister’s death a lot. But I never felt the emotion. I never felt the sadness that I would except, reading about a girl who lost her sister. It was the same in scenes with her mother. In literature or any kind of pop culture my weakness and something that just flips the crying switch for me is moms dying or mothers losing their children, normally I would cry a river with those kind of stories. But I didn’t feel anything when it comes to how they felt about the death of Harper’s sister.

Rebel Belle is the first book in a trilogy. And I’ll be honest with the exception of one aspect of the final fight scene I could see this book being a stand alone novel. Maybe it just because I don’t care about the characters but there wasn’t a huge cliffhanger that makes me want to read the next book in a series and it’s okay because I will not be reading the next novel.


But the thing that got to me the most was how mind nummingly boring the action scenes were. About two nights before I finished the book I made it my goal to finish this book before the end of March so I could say I finished one book in March. So I went to check how many pages I had left in the novel and was shocked to realize that I was in the middle of the climax of the novel. I couldn’t understand how I was at the climax and wasn’t even excited by what was happening.

Overall I wouldn’t reccomend this book. If you guys have read my past book reviews you probably know that I almost always find a way to reccomend the book, even if its to a small group of people but this one I just can’t reccomend. I ended up giving a 2.5 stars out of 5.


Have you read Rebel Belle? What did you think? Let me know in the comments down below.


Newport 2018 – Trip In Review

Hello Worlders ~

If you’ve been following me on social media (or are subscribed to my YouTube Channel) you probably know that I recently went on a trip to Newport, Rhode Island. Like with other trips I’ve done a travel report for (Disney March 2017) I always start with a trip in review post. Giving you guys a quick look of what’s to come in the series as well as eventually the links when they are eventually posted. Something I’m going to add this trip review is an area to add any other links I eventually write about Newport (I have a few in mind that I want to write). Basically this is hub for all Newport posts. So, with all the explanations out of the way let me tell you a little (more detail posts to come I promise – blog post takes me longer to write and edit then editing the vlogs so please don’t expect these every Thursdays) about our trip.

Starting with who. Obviously you’re lovely blogger was on the trip. If you’re new to my blog and want to know more about me I turned 24 on this trip. I’m currently still struggling to figure what I want to do with my life. I’m also a pretty avid reader and huge Disney fan both of which are discussed here on the blog often.

My travel partner was my mom, who on social media is better known as Mama Judy. She is my favorite person to travel with and we almost always have a blast. Mama Judy is an avid crafter and is in the process of creating a crafting blog. I also will share some of Mama Judy’s thoughts in opinions of the trip on here so be on the look out for those!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

This day happened to my 24th birthday, as this was a birthday trip of sorts. We had to make a quick detour but we got to Newport at a great time and started to explore the downtown area.


Friday, March 23, 2018

We spent our second day exploring two of the Newport Mansions, The Elms and The Breakers. Both were gorgeous and we really enjoyed this day!


Saturday, March 24, 2018

This was our final day, and trust me when I say both Mama Judy and I were sad to go. But we still had a little bit of exploring left to do as we visited Chateau Du Mer and Rose Cliff.


This was a realtively short trip but we both had a really great time. And I can’t wait to share more about the trip here on the blog! If you have an specific Newport realted posts you would like to see let me know in the comments down below.

Other Related Post Will Eventually Be Linked Here:

I also created a vlog trailer for my YouTube channel. Check the video out down below!

*This blog is not a sponsored post, all opinions are my own and I was in no way compenstated for adding the links above!***
Truthful Tuesday · Uncategorized

I’m a 20-Something “Grandma” {Truthful Tuesdays}

Hello Worlders~

A few months ago I released a new survey on my blog, teasing and getting your thoughts on new series coming to the blog. One of which is Truthful Tuesday, where I would be sharing opinions about different topics (some serious topics some more jokey ones). And even though its been over a month since I first released that survey, I have yet to write my first Truthful Tuesday post. But here’s it is.

Now I have a confession for all of you.


I am a twenty-something grandma. No, I don’t have any real grandchildren but I feel like I live the life of an “old soul”. And to be completely honest I’m 100% okay with that.

Now some of you may be wondering what do I mean when I say that well let me give you some evidence.

I go to bed super early! Now part of my reasonings for that has to do with the fact that I work long days. Most days I leave my house at about 6:25 AM and don’t return until about 6:30 (at the earliest), normally closer to 7. And I like knowing that I’m getting my 8 hours of sleep and most mornings when I wake up I don’t feel over tired and I’m ready to start my day at the early hour of 5:30am.


I no longer sleep in on the weekends: Okay let me throw out a quick disclaimer, sleeping in is relative and trust me I get that. When I worked over night shifts in college I would sleep until noon or sometimes 2pm because I would be up most of the night. Now most weekends I don’t sleep past 8 AM and I get so much more done during the day. And I have so much energy.

I’m not a huge partier (like at all): This is something that has always been true about me. I don’t like being in super crowded places especially if they are small and crowded. Which may seem weird since I love crowed places like Disney World. But the idea of being a tight space with a bunch of people that I need to be nice to and talk to and be social with, no thank you!


I’m not a big drinker or smoker: I do drink, I’m over 21 years old so its perfectly legal for me to have a drink or two when I feel like it. And sometimes I do, it’s like a maybe twice a month thing but I do drink sometimes. And I do enjoy when I do, not that I get super drunk, I hate not being in control. And I don’t smoke at all. I don’t judge people who do (maybe someday I’ll do a Truthful Tuesday on my opinion on all of that) but I have never had any interest in that.

I love cliche phrases from long ago: Most people my age use terms like “Lit” and “Bet” and sometimes I do. But I often use phrases like “I’ll that and bag of chips.” And when I catch myself using those phrases all I can think is, where did that come from?


I often prefer older shows to newer ones: I would rather watch shows on repeat on sites like Netflix or Amazon Prime  and watch shows from the 80s and 90s then watch some of the stuff on TV now.

Don’t get me wrong I also have aspects where I’m just like any other girl in their mid twenties. But I also truly believe that I have an old soul.


Do you think you have an old soul or young soul? Let me know in the comments down below.

Movie Reviews


Hello Worlders~

I am in the middle of a mini vacation (or least I was when I started writing this, now I’ve returned to the real world) and on the first day of the mini vacation I decided to take in a $5 Tuesday movie showing of the movie Love, Simon. A movie based on the novel Simon vs the Homo Sapien Agenda (Novel review). And its taking everything in me to not start talking about it right away so I’m going to throw the trailer in for your viewing pleasure.

If you are unfamiliar with the story of the movie (and the novel it’s based on) is about a young boy, Simon (Nick Robinson – Jurrasic WorldEverything, Everything (Review here) & Boardwalk Empire) who knows that he is gay but no one else in his life does. One day his best friend, Leah (Kathryn Langford – 13 Reasons WhyThe MisguidedImperfect Quadrant), calls him up and tells him there is a post on Creek Secret (which in the book is described to be tumblr blog where students from Simon’s school share secrets, I don’t think it’s really explained, at least verbally in the movie) that there is an anonymous guy coming out while keeping his identity a secret by calling himself Blue. On impulse Simon decides to email Blue using a secret name (Jaques). Over the next couple of weeks Simon and Blue have an email relationship but one day Simon forgets to log out of his email and Martin (Logan Miller – Scouts Guide to the Zombie ApocalypseGhosts of Girlfriends PastBefore I Fall) discovers the emails and decides that this might be the think he’s been looking for. And soon Martin approaches Simon telling him either Simon helps him get Simon’s good friend Abby (Alexandra Shipp – X-Men ApocalypseStraight Out of ComptonTragedy Girls) to date him or he will post the emails on Creeksecrets. But when things don’t work out for Martin, he decides to release Simon’s email, forcing Simon out of the closest at a faster speed then Simon every wanted to.

LtoR: Nick (Jorge Lendeborg Jr.), Leah (Kathryn Langford), Abby (Alexandra Shipp), Simon (Nick Robinson) – Source

This movie surpassed everything I thought it was going to be and lived up to the hype of everything that I had seen online. I left the theatre and even tweeted about how you feel every emotion possible while watching the movie.

During college I took a course in Gender in Media and we talked all about all the groups of people who are not represented in media (LGBTQ+, different races, strong powerful women, disabilities etc…). And then after taking the class I’m noticing how Hollywood is fighting to see these types of people in cinema and break the main stream lull we’re in, although we still have a far way to go. And when I saw the trailer for Love, Simon I knew this movie would feel historical, as it was the first time that a young gay male was the main protagonist of a story coming from a movie production company as big as Paramount. But I don’t think I ever imagined just how historical, especially as a cis-straight, white woman, I see myself in media all the time. But soon I saw some of my favorite social media personalities who are part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum re-tell the stories of the gay youth that had been reaching out to them about how seeing the movie helped them come out or how they were afraid to see the movie because they were worried what their parents would think or that they just weren’t ready to come out. And seeing those tweets really helped drive home to me how important this movie truly was.

LtoR: Leah (Langford) & Simon (Robinson) – Source

Many people described this movie as a John Hughes (Breakfast ClubFerris Bueller’s Day OffSixteen Candles) esque movie and I can’t decide if I agree. I think instead a movie like this and these new teen movies deserve to stand on their own. Although I will admit that there was a scene (that changed through the course of the movie) that reminded me a little bit of John Hughes which was Simon’s rounds to pick up all his friends and they’d stop to pick up coffee before going to school.

LtoR: Simon (Robinson), Nora (Talitha Bateman), Emily (Jennifer Garner) & Jack (Josh Duhamel) – Source

The acting and directing was super well done and I truly loved it. I felt like Simon had really good chemistry with all the potential Blues in the movie, I especially loved the chemistry between Simon and the real Blue. It felt so real and true to the novel. There was also Simon’s parents played by Jennifer Garner (Alias13 Going on 30Daredevil) and Josh Duhamel (TransformerSafe HavenLife As We Know It) who had really good chemistry together as well. Like I would love to see them in a movie together again, maybe with them as the central couple.

LtoR: Abby (Shipp), Simon (Robinson) & Leah (Langford)

Overall I think this movie in a great movie! And the message was even better. I would recommend this movie to just about everyone because it was just that good. Also if anyone wants to create and write a show about Simon and Blue the college years I would binge watch that series over and over again. Like please somebody get on that because its something I didn’t know I needed in my life until I saw this movie.

Enter a caption

Have you seen Love, Simon? What did you think? Let me know in the comments down below. Also I know that this movie may have some controversial opinions. Please remember to be kind to everyone in the comments even if their opinions differ from your’s.

Movie Reviews


Hello Worlders~

A while back I was doing some Netflix Reviews (the last one) which is basically just a review of either a Netflix original or movies that I hadn’t seen before they hit Netflix. Well, the other night (when I’m writing this) I was snowed in and decided to watch a movie and then I saw a movie called F The Prom and I don’t know about you guys but I love movies about high schoolers, like the coming of age genre so of course I clicked on it and began to watch.

LtoR: Maddy (Danielle Campbell) and Cole (Joel Courtney) – Source

The movie was about Cole (Joel Courtney – Super 8, Mercy & Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn) who is the artsy kid in high school who gets bullied. Oh, and he’s in love with his former best friend, Maddy (Danielle Campbell – Prison break, The Poker House & Madea’s Witness Protection) who happens to be one of the most popular girls in school (shocker I know). But when Maddy’s best friend, Marissa (Madelaine Petsch – Riverdale), backstabs her along with Maddy’s boyfriend, Kane (Cameron Palatas – Zach Stone is Going to Famous, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D & A.N.T. Farm) Maddy feels her social status falling. Which throws Maddy back into Cole’s life and causing them team up with the rest of the bullied kids, including Sweats (Michael Clay – The Time Capsule, The Legend of Beaver Damn & Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show! Good Job), Strings (Brendan Calton – Maple’s Tree, Major Crimes & Veep), Mutey (Adan Allende – Maria, Slayer & Troy Goes to Camp), TJ (Luke Bilyk – Degrassi, Lost Girls & Kiss and Cry)  and City (Meg DeLacy – The Fosters, Chicago P.D. & Recovery Road), in a mission to ruin the prom for the popular kids.

LtoR: Cole (Courtney), Maddy (Campbell), City (Meg DeLacy) – Source

The first thing I noticed was the the acting was horrendous. Like it was just really, really bad. For example the movie featured, Ian Ziering (Beverly Hills 90210, Sharknados franchise, Christmas in Palm Springs), who I used to watch on the OG Beverly Hills 90210. And although he wasn’t the best actor on the show, I did enjoy watching him. And I had heard that that his acting skills had become a joke after he joined the Sharknados franchise and I now understand what they mean by that. Some of the stuff that he said was just cringy. Actually writing this whole paragraph part of me is starting to wonder if maybe its not the acting but maybe instead the writing. Maybe all these actors felt cringy because the writing was cringy.

LtoR: City (DeLacy), Sweats (Michael Chey), Cole (Courtney), TJ (Luke Bilyk), Mutey (Adam Andelle), Strings (Brendan Calton), Maddy (Campbell) & Abbey (Jill Cimorelli) – Source

Although the writing kind of sucked something I did enjoy was that the bullied characters weren’t all stereotypes. They had one kind who went through puberty and his voice just kept cracking and people bullied him for that. There was another who was just super sweaty. Then there was Luke Bilyk’s character who was a gay kid who was “too straight” for the gay kids but “too gay” for the straight kids. I also really enjoyed his storyline because Bilyk is pretty much a pretty boy and would normally be casted as stereotypically popular character but instead he was bullied.

Marissa (Madelaine Petsch) – Source

And then there was this powerful scene at the end of the movie. I don’t want to give anything away so I can’t talk too much about it but it was pretty powerful and dealt with current events. And although in reality I don’t think the issues they were discussing are simple as the writers seemed to want them to be, the lesson they’re trying to teach still reaches where it needs to get.

LtoR: Maddy (Campbell) & Cole (Courtney)

Overall even though the writing and acting was cringy I found myself getting emotional attached to these characters. Like I want all the bullied to win and I wanted the characters with connections to fall in  love and for everyone to get their happily ever after.


So, would I recommend this movie you may be asking? Well, yes, I would recommend it. But I have a very specific recommendation, I would recommend for a one of those nights where you have a glass of wine (or grape juice if you’re under 21) and you’re staying in because of sucky weather or because your stressed or because going out sounds sucky. We all have those days right? Basically you just need to have the mindset for a mindless, don’t have to think that hard type movie.


Have you seen F The Prom? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Book Reviews 2018

BOOK REVIEW: Alex, Approximately

Hello Worlders ~

I’m back with yet another book review. I know you guys are reading this in March, partly because I started wiriting it in March but I read this book in February. And I have to say, February was a very successful reading month for me (while March is starting out pretty sucky but more on that in another post). In February I read 3 books (putting me three books ahead of schedule) and adored 2 out of the 3 and throughly enjoyed the third. So, without further ado let me tell you about Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett.

Alex, Approximately is about Bailey who refers to herself as the Artful Dodger because she is so good at avoidance, a skills that is truly the coping mechanism of something horrible that happened in her past. Bailey also is a film noir fanatic who has been talking to a boy online, a boy (Alex) who just happens to be from the same town that her father now lives in, the town that Bailey is planning on moving to. Because of Bailey’s status as an artful dodger she decides not to tell Alex that she’s moving across the country, because she wants to find him first. But when Bailey meets Porter, the security guard, at the museum she works at she starts to question her feelings for Alex. If only she knew Alex and Porter were one and the same. (EDITOR NOTE: This is not a spoiler as it is in the summary of the book)

I guess I should start with something that drove me just a wee bit crazy. Which was that Bailey was so naive. Some may look at the moments that I’m classifying as “naive” and think or argue that Bailey is more “judgey” and I can see that argument. But here’s the thing,  she went through something horrific that would typically cause her to grow up quickly. But instead of facing those problems head on Bailey start to avoid and go back in, within herself and missed out on lessons and moments of realities that made her come across as judgey. There were also moments where I wanted to shake Bailey because she was so incredibly clueless. Like the signs and clues that Porter and Alex were the same person were so blatantly obvious. Especially after Porter figured out who Bailey was.

This novel was filled with so many side stories. Of course there was Bailey and Porter/Alex’s love story but then there was Grace (Bailey’s new BFF’s) boyfriend possibly not returning home from India (I think). Porter’s sister being so close to becoming a pro-surfer, Porter’s ex-bff Davy, Porter’s being afraid of sharks and the past events that haunt Bailey and Porter. Now don’t get me wrong some of these subplots are important and helped to propell the story. But they weren’t explored enough because more was going on within the story. Believe it or not I didn’t even mention all the subplots within this novel. As I’m writing this sentence I can think of like 3 more.

And then there was the relationship with Bailey’s mother. Yes, you could say that this is a subplot, I’m not even going to argue against that fact, I just wanted this to be its own paragraph because I have thoughts. When the novel begins Bailey mentions that her and her mom aren’t particular close, in fact its more her father and her who are similar, but her mom was blowing up her phone to make sure she had made it across the country. But it’s been a week and they haven’t spoken and Bailey just doesn’t seem to care. But the reasoning of the tension of their relationship and how its really effecting Bailey is barely explored. This is one of the stories that should have been explored more but couldn’t be there was so many other stories filling the book. I don’t know why this piece really drove me crazy, it just made me leave this book feeling empty.

When it came to Porter and Bailey and their relationship they were lacking something important. And that something was chemistry. Throughout the book I knew that I was supposed to be rooting for these characters and their love but I just couldn’t. Normally I love when the main characters in a love story bicker. But in this case their bickering seemed forced. And then they would joke about how good they were at bickering. But like no, you weren’t, you bickered twice before you declared you were good at it. I have always lived by the philosophy that with a good writer the characters are within in them and the characters write the story, not the writer. Do I sound crazy?


So, because of that I can confidently say that I don’t think these characters had any form of chemistry what’s so ever. They seemed like friends but nothing more.

After taking years of creative writing courses I had the idea of “showing not telling,” when it came to the describing the action and emotions with in beaten into me. But this book seemed more telling then showing. I wanted to feel the budding love between the two and I didn’t feel, I read about it. And that made the book harder to read.

I know I dragged this book through the mud. I didn’t hate the book by any means but I think a book with an interesting premise could have been more interesting and well written. Overall I gave this book 2.95 out of 5 stars. As much as some these major devices frustrated me I would reccomend this book as a beach read to anyone who likes YA Lit, especially YA Romance.


Have you read Alex, Approximately? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments down below.


UNEXPECTED DISNEY TRIP 2017: Last Full Day {Day 3}

Hello Worlder~

Welcome back to blog! I’m so glad your back to read the next (and final) installment of my Unexpected Disney Trip travel report (if you click the link you can read the master post and get the links for the first two days). And now its almost six month since I started this post (and almost exactly a year since I went on this trip) so this is probably going to be rough. Thank god for pictures right?

Unexpected Disney Trip - Sticker

Okay, so if I remember correctly my aunt, cousin Josh, and I woke up relatively early because my cousin Josh really wanted to ride Toy Story Mania one last time.  So, we went to the bus stop and waited for a bus. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned multiple time that we had horribly luck with the buses on this particular trip. But we did eventually get to Hollywood Studios.

As soon as we got to Hollywood Studios we made a bee-line to the ride and hopped in line. If I remember correctly the wait time said about 60 minutes but we only waited about 30 minutes. I also believe that Josh chose to ride with his mom so I had a cart to myself. Obviously I don’t remember my score because it was so long ago.


Once we got off the ride we did a little bit of shopping. If I remember correctly Josh was on a mission to find a souviner and I was just along for the ride. We also stopped at The Trolley Park Car Cafe, which is the fancy name of the Hollywood Studios Starbucks. Because we all getting extremely thirsty.

By that point we heard that my Uncle Chad was on route to the Beach Club Resort where we would be having lunch. And where were we having lunch? Beaches and Cream Soda Shop! I had never been to this restaurant before but I had seen plenty videos of people having the Kitchen Sink.


I am so glad that we went to Beaches and Cream because it was so good and such a fun restaurant to go to. Next time I go down I definitely think I will try to make a stop there.

After finishing but lunch we headed over to EPCOT, I believe via the boat because we were going to go through the back entrance (or International Gateway) which is closer to the Boardwalk, Yacht & Beach Club resorts.  Once through security we walked over to one of the playgrounds set up to let Josh run around for a little bit.

Once Josh’s energy was out we walked over towards the Land pavilion to park Josh’s stroller, at this point we tried to find a new Fast Pass Plus to add but couldn’t find what we were looking for, for the time period we had available. We ultimately decided to just go with the plan we had which I believe had us starting at The Seas With Nemo and Friends. This is a cute ride but I pretty much never ride it unless I have a fast pass. Once we got off the ride we decided to check out Turtle Talk with Crush. Which was new for me and it was super cute. Plus Crush talked to Josh. I wish I could remember his questions but I can’t.

After we left Turtle Talk with Crush it was time for our next fast pass plus which was on Soarin’. And was the first time I had gone on it since they did the Around the World overlay. And I have to say it was so cool. I saw so many places that our on my bucket list in the video which was super cool. For anyone with young children who might be worried their young kids might be scared of it. I will say Josh was nervous at first but eventually fell in love it and thought it was super cool.

Our final fast pass was for Spaceship Earth. After riding that ride pretty much everyone hit their wall. But we had one more mission to complete. Marianne, had a drink that she loved in the past and was determined to find it. I can’t remember what the drink was so I can’t tell you guys but I do know that she found it around the United Kingdom Pavilion. After Marianne got her drink I decided to just stick around and do the rest of World Showcase while the other three headed back to the hotel.

While in World Showcase I decided I wanted to see the American Adventure which is one of my all time favorite attractions. I let my history nerd out during that moment. A lot of people find this show boring, actually, a lot people go to take a nap but I sit there and adore it.

Once I left the American Adventure I kept going through World Showcase. While passing the Norway Pavilion, I checked the wait time for Frozen Ever After and let me tell you that wait time was just way too long (If memory serves me it was like 3 hours). But the line to meet Ana and Elsa wasn’t too long so I hopped in line to meet them. While waiting in line a family kept talking to me while trying to sneak in front of me in line. Like they thought they were being sneaky.

But finally I met the girls, starting with Ana. Ana was perfect and I believe we talked about going and taking ice skating lesson from Olaf. She was cute and perfect as per usual.

Next I met Elsa (my favorite of the two). My meet and greet with Elsa was perfect timing, because my trip (as you may remember) was delayed because of a snow storm. And then I was tracking a snow storm that was moving towards New England. So, I begged Elsa to not send anymore snow our way.


Once my meet and greet was over I headed out of the park but while going I did grab some last minute pictures. I don’t know about you guys but I always leave the park a little slower on my last day of a trip.

While waiting at the bus stop I ran into a family from the same state as me. When I asked them how the snow was back home, they assured me it was fine. Which made feel slightly more relieved.

When I return to Saratoga Springs (the hotel we were staying at) I stopped at their quick service and picked up some dinner. If I remember correctly the food was only okay.

I brought my food back to the room and while I ate I talked with my Uncle Chad a little before heading into my room to pack. And that is the end of my Unexpected Disney Trip. I’m sorry this travel report has been so spread out. It’s something I promise I will work on in the future.

And guess what it won’t be long before I’m back with another Travel Thursday post because I am going on a little mini-vacation in about for week from when this post goes live!

Where do you guys think I’m going next? I’ll give you one hint, I’m not leaving New England. Make you guesses in the comments below. And make sure you follow me on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Snapchat {@judy_judy94}) for live updates!

Movie Reviews


Hello Worlders ~

Its been awhile since I’ve written a movie review. In fact I don’t think I’ve written a movie review on this particular blog (SIDE NOTE: For new readers I used to blog over on Blogger and moved over here about a year ago). But recently I went to see a movie and I just wanted to tell you guys about it because I went to see on a wimp and end up really enjoying it. And that movie was Game Night (2018) directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, the directing team of What Babies Do (Short), Audio Tour (Short) and Vacation.

The story follows a group of friends who regularly get together for a game night. After being away from town for a year, Brooks (Kyle Chandler – Argo, Super 8 and Friday Night Lights), he rejoins the group and invites them to the gorgeous house he’s renting and tells them he’s hired a company that puts on murder mystery games for parties. But on that night Brooks is kidnapped for real and the other three couples now have to try to find him for real while dealing with things going on in their personal lives at the same time, talk about college flashbacks lol. Like Max (Jason Bateman – Arrested Development, Bad Words and Juno) and Annie (Rachel McAdams – The NotebookMean Girls and The Vow) who are a married couple trying to have their first baby, but Max seems to be holding back for some unknown reason to Annie. And then there is Kevin (Lamorne Morris – New GirlBarbershop: The Next Cut and Sandy Wexler) and Michelle (Kylie Bunbury – The SitterUnder the Dome and Twisted) who are also a married couple who just so happen to have been dating since middle school. But during a game of Never Have I Ever, Michelle reveals she slept with a celebrity during a relationship break they had gone through. And finally there was Ryan (Billy Magnussen – Into the WoodsThe Big Short and Bridge of Spies) and his work friend Sarah (Sharon Horgan – PullingImagine Me & You, and Man Up) who are trying to figure out if they could possibly be more then friends.

LtoR: Michelle (Kylie Bunbury), Kevin (Lamrone Morries), Ryan (Billy Magnussen), Sarah (Sharon Horgan). Max (Jason Bateman) and Annie (Rachel McAdams) – Source

The movie has a super interesting premise to me. Maybe it is because I’ve always wanted to go to a murder mystery party (As long as it’s all pretend 😉). But the movie just seemed interesting. I know earlier I said, I went to see it on whim, but it was more that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pay the movie theater price to see it and was probably going to wait and see it when it hit Redbox or Netflix, but things changed and I saw it in theaters.

LtoR: Ryan (Magnussen) and Sarah (Hogan)

One of the things I really enjoyed about the movie was the way that both Max and Annie’s relationship and  Michelle and Kevin’s relationships were portrayed. They were both couples that were supposed to have been together for a while. And they had that feeling of best friends. Max and Annie felt like that great team couple that could almost read each other’s minds, although I didn’t feel that Bateman and McAdams had much sexual chemistry. On the other hand Michelle and Kevin still gave off the best friend-ish relationship vibe but Morris and Bunbury had a stronger sexual chemistry.

LtoR: Annie (McAdams) and Max (Bateman) – Source

My biggest complaint was there felt to be too many side storylines going on. Even from the first scene which is a flashback of Annie and Max meeting you get the impression that they are the main characters of the movie. But the writer, Mark Perez (The Country Bears, Herbie Fully Loaded, and Accepted), seemed to want to focus on all the couples. Which I think would have worked if they hadn’t started the movie by focusing on Annie and Max.

LtoR: Sarah (Horgan), Annie (McAdams), Kevin (Morris), Ryan (Magnussen), Max (Bateman) & Michelle (Bunbury) – Source

Overall I  really enjoyed the movie. I would recommend to people who like mindless comedies with a little action mixed in for good measure. I also felt that this movie didn’t have an overly raunchy comedy vibe. I went to see it with my mom who normally would complain if the comedy was raunchy and she didn’t say anything about it.

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Have you seen Game Night? What did you think? Let me know in the comments down below.

Book Reviews 2018

BOOK REVIEW: Simon vs. The Homo Sapien Agenda

Hello Worlders~

I’m back with another book review. This particular book I read in about a week but finished about two weeks ago and just hadn’t written the review yet. I was working on posts like this & this, plus some YouTube videos and some researching and brainstorming for videos and blog posts. I guess that’s just my long way of saying that I have a lot of posts and videos coming your way in the near future. But at the same time that means that I’ve read 4 books so far in 2018 (all of which you can find on this tag) and it mean I’m two books ahead of my goal of reading 18 books this calendar year, does anyone even care about those stats except me?

Anyways the fourth book I read this year was Simon Vs. the Homo Sapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli which is the book, the new movie, Love Simon (Trailer below) is based on.

Before I get too far into my review I guess I should give you a quick summary of what the novel is about. The novel is about Simon, a closeted gay teenager and while in the closest he starts a love affair with another closeted gay guy who happens to be in the same grade at the same school as him. Through their emails they learn a lot about each other even though they try to keep their identities a secret (one is a lot better at it then they other). Because of a series of unfortunate events Simon is forced out of the closest at a much faster speed then he had plan to come out. And Simon learns how to live his life as an out and proud gay teen and find out the identity of online crush.

So, I will be honest, this is the first book that I have read with an LGBTQ+ main character, for no other reason then I hadn’t gotten around to it. But after seeing the ad for Love, Simon I knew I had to read it for no reason other then I LOVED the cast in the upcoming adaptation. (Including Nick Robinson – Melissa & Joey, Everything, Everything, Jurassic World, Josh Duhamel- Transformers, Safe Haven, Life as We Know It, Jennifer Garner – Alias, 13 Going on 30, Daredevil, Katherine Langford – 13 Reasons Why, The Misguided, Miles Heizer – Nerve, 13 Reasons Why, Parenthood and Keiynan Lonsdale – Dance Academy, The Flash, The Finest Hours) and knew that I would have to see the movie because at the very least, the cast. And I will tell you that after reading the book I want see the movie even more.

Anyways, like I said this was the first LGBTQ+ book I had ever read. As a straight cis female the only knowledge I have about having to come out is what I’ve seen or read in pop culture, which means diddly squat in the grand scheme of life, I know. But I will say I feel like this book did a great job showing the different emotions people feel going through the coming out process. And it begged the question I’ve seen all over, why is being straight the default for sexuality. Or even why should someone have to come out? These are questions that I’ve thought about for years but this book made me think about it all over again.

This book was told from Simon’s point of view and Simon is the character that we grow to know the most. At first Simon felt like a stereotypical painting of what a high schoolers should seem like, self centered, whiney and kind of annoying. But over time the character of Simon started to grow on me. He learned a huge life lesson about the way he treats people and started to see the world in a new light. And by the end of the book I loved Simon, he probably wouldn’t make in on my  list of my all time favorite characters but I did love him.

Going off the topic of characters I will say that I felt like the side characters, Simon’s friends, sisters and parents were well developed and super interesting. I love when authors take the time develop both the main characters and the side characters. I feel like the development of side characters helps to make the main characters seem much more realistic. I feel like that helps you get to know the main character in a different way because in real life there is the cliche that who you spend time with says a lot about who you are as a person. So, couldn’t you say that would be true about book characters, especially since art and life immediate each other.

The biggest “mystery” so to speak about the novel was who was the mystery guy that Simon was talking to and I will be honest I figured it out in about the first fourth of the book. It wasn’t confirmed until almost the end. I did however enjoy having a strong feeling about who the mystery guy was because I was able to find so many of the hints, I even marked the spots in my book with taggies because I wanted to go back and look at them, whether I was right (which I was) or not.

I also loved the relationship that Simon and his mystery guy had both online and offline. Since Simon went to the same school as the mystery guy, he did interact in person even though they didn’t know they were interacting with one another, they still interacted and those interaction were so cute! Simon and Blue (Mystery guy’s screen name BTW) were definitely a shippable relationship in my mind.

And then the ending. The ending was the best ending I have read thus far in 2018! Actually probably the best ending I’ve read in a while. It wasn’t overly dramatic or sappy. It felt like everything was wrapped up perfectly, there weren’t a lot of open ended questions that left you wondering. Being that this novel is a stand alone it didn’t feel like their were angles for a sequel (spin off on one of the characters, maybe, but sequel, no) which is exactly what I want in a stand alone.

After finishing this book I ranked it a 4.75 out of 5. Although I didn’t have many huge complaints about the novel the writing style wasn’t my favorite in the world. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Young Adult Lit or LGBTQ+ novels, especially if you want a light fluffy read. Now I can’t wait to see Love, Simon which I will hopefully see soon after it comes out.


Have you read Simon Vs. the HomoSpaien Agenda? Let me know in the comments down below.